Making the Memories...

A wedding album should tell a story, not just record who was at your wedding. It should convey the atmosphere, the joy and emotion of the day and capture those little moments that make your wedding special and unique.

Not every photograph taken on your wedding day will be a "posed" shot. In fact, most of them won't be. The images that become treasured favourites are almost always the ones that no-one realised had even been taken at the time!

Group shots and bridal couple portraits are great for showing everyone in their finery, looking their best and beautifully lit, with an attractive backdrop. The photographs that depict the dynamics and relationships between people, the warmth of friends and the love for family, cannot be staged and require an observant and attentive photographer.

Sally Marie's style is based on a natural and unobtrusive method of capturing important moments, emotion and expressions of feeling. Like every other aspect of the day's photography, it's important that the couple and their guests feel comfortable in the photographer's presence and are able to relax and be themselves.

This impromptu toast from the groom's workmates was anticipated and captured from a good distance away so as not to intrude on the moment of celebration between friends. It became a favourite choice for the final album!

Whenever there are children at a wedding, you can expect to create some beautiful portraits without resorting to commanding them to "say cheese"! Children are naturally curious and, even when they don't play up for the camera, their fascination of the events around them produces some wonderful expressions.

Of course, sometimes it all gets a bit too much!

The genuine moments that a good wedding photographer can capture, will be treasured for generations to come. Make sure your wedding day story is told by an expert visual storyteller!

To discuss our wedding photography services in more detail, call the studio on 01341 28 11 93 or e-mail
COMING UP NEXT: Wedding Photography Blog Series - Part 9: The Big Day (Speeches)
All Blog content ©Sally Marie Photography Ltd - No reproduction without express permission.
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