Chatting with a bride this week at the studio, I asked her how her wedding plans were coming along. "Well, I'm not sure really," she replied. "I don't know how much I'm supposed to have done by this point so I don't know if I'm way behind or well in front!"
She went on to tell me that because she had only ever been to one wedding, some fourteen years ago, she didn't really have a clear picture of how a wedding should look, or how the day is meant to proceed.
This made me realise that for most people, even attending a wedding as a guest is a rare or infrequent occasion. So how can brides be expected to know what sort of chair covers are the most appropriate, how much wine should be on each table, or who is supposed to sit where during the ceremony?
So who better to help with these details than someone who lives weddings every day, and sees all sorts of different types of celebration, different types of ceremony, different types of couple!
As a wedding photographer, for me, it doesn't just begin and end with still images. I have experienced so many other elements of the wedding day it is a pleasure to be able to offer an insight in all things wedding if needed! Brides who have been to the studio for their first meeting will have seen the piles of wedding magazines and stacks of supplier contacts, from wedding stationers to horse and carriages!

Those comfy chairs, fresh coffee and jugs of juice are there for you at any stage of your wedding planning process, not just for looking through albums at that first meeting but for inspiration and help any time, or simply just to relax in a calm setting if the groom-to-be is fed up with "wedding talk!"

If you would like to come in for a chat about your wedding plans, please call the studio on 01341 28 11 93 or drop us a line:
Remember, it's all about YOU...
COMING UP NEXT: Wedding Photography Blog Series - Part 3: Pre-Wedding PhotoShoots
All Blog content ©Sally Marie Photography Ltd - No reproduction without express permission.
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